12 Sep

How to quickly patch a MySQL server against CVE-2016-6662?

Many of you have probably already heard about the new vulnerability affecting most existing MySQL forks and versions. The bug has been patched in some of the most recent MySQL and Percona Server releases and so, at least in theory, all it takes to apply a fix is to update the MySQL or Percona Server packages to their latest versions. However, it would likely require a database restart and restarts are never particularly convenient, especially when done in a rush. But this time it is actually possible to fix the vulnerability without having to upgrade and restart your MySQL instances immediately.

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27 Apr

WebScaleSQL builds available for Debian 8 and Ubuntu 15.04

After many months of heavy development and testing, Debian 8 (Jesse) and Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) were released recently. For those who already upgraded their systems and/or plan do do it in close future, we prepared builds of WebScaleSQL :-) http://repo.psce.com/download/webscalesql/deb/x86_64/vivid/ http://repo.psce.com/download/webscalesql/deb/x86_64/jessie/ You can also install it using PSCE repository.

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04 Feb

WebScaleSQL RPMs available at PSCE repository

Driven by popularity of previous post about Debian/Ubuntu builds of WebScaleSQL and long discussions during FOSDEM conference this weekend, PSCE engineering team decided to put even more effort into.

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28 Jan

MySQL and the GHOST: glibc gethostbyname buffer overflow

Qualys announced they had found an exploit in one of the Linux core libraries - glibc - using a buffer overflow technique in gethostbyname(). They have developed a proof-of-concept in which simply sending a specially created e-mail to a mail server enabled them to create a remote shell to the Linux machine. According to Qualys, "This bypasses all existing protections (like ASLR, PIE and NX) on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.". How does it affect MySQL servers? Read on!

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19 Jan

Syncronizing MySQL where tables have triggers and foreign keys defined

On a recent consulting engagement, the PSCE team were charged with what can be considered a fairly common task of synchronising tables between master and slave in MySQL Replication. On this occasion the schema contained both foreign key constraints and triggers, this post describes how we avoided the potential problems related to such an operation.

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