04 Apr

Anohter way to work with MySQL process list

In an earlier post titled "How to work with a long process list in MySQL", we showed a neat way to work with the process list by using various shell tools. But some of that can also be done using pure SQL.

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02 Apr

How to prevent swapping on a MySQL server?

Swapping occurs when system moves some data between memory and a special area on disk called swap space. The process is called swapping in or swapping out depending on the direction in which it happens. System swaps out when it makes a decision to free up some physical memory (RAM) and pushes data out to disk. It swaps in when an application needs to access data that was swapped out. MySQL is like any other application and any memory it holds can also be sent to disk. It may have severe negative impact on performance.

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01 Apr

How to find configuration file MySQL uses?

A customer called me today asking for help with locating the configuration file used by one of their production MySQL instances. From the description I was given it appeared that their server had at least six different copies of my.cnf file in different locations on disk. And all were similar enough that each could actually be the one. All superfluous files were the result of a bit negligent system administration. So what turned to be the quickest and the least destructive way to find the correct one?

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28 Mar

How to work with a long process list in MySQL

I am generally a big fan of command line tools. This also applies to MySQL client software such as mysql or mysqladmin. To those spoiled by graphical interfaces, working in text mode may seem crude or even difficult. But the truth is that once you get used to these tools, you will be able to accomplish many things a lot faster than with any GUI client. Of course, using text terminal, which is the environment for any command line tool, has its drawbacks and limitations. For example on a relatively busy MySQL server, every so often when you run SHOW [FULL] PROCESSLIST, which lists client threads connected to a database, you can receive an output that will be many screens long. Sometimes it might be due to the high number of established connections - each takes at least one line on the screen, or sometimes due to some longish queries spanning over multiple lines. Finding relevant information there usually isn't easy and having to scroll backwards doesn't really help. What do I do in such cases to help the workflow?

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