31 May

MySQL, OOM Killer, and everything related

Do the operating systems kill your MySQL instances from time to time? Are some database servers swapping constantly? These are relatively common problems. Why? How to prevent them?

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22 May

Install and configure MySQL on EC2 with RedHat Linux

Recently I had to turn a few EC2 instances into MySQL database servers. The third time I had to do it, I grabbed the list of steps from my previous sessions and just replayed it. Later I thought maybe polishing information a little bit and publishing a step-by-step walkthrough on the blog may help a few people. So here it is.

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22 May

An elaborate way to break a MySQL server with XtraBackup

XtraBackup is a great piece of software from Percona, which allows creating (nearly) lock-less MySQL/InnoDB backups. The tool has been around for quite some time and recently even received a major version bump. I have relied on it many times over the years. As it turns out, using it in some configurations may lead to heavy swapping or prevent MySQL from running queries.

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17 May

Can MySQL use primary key values from a secondary index?

In the article about the role of a primary key, I mentioned that a secondary index in an InnoDB table consists not only of the values of its member columns, but also values of the table's primary key are concatenated to the index. I.e. the primary key contents is part of every other index.

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16 May

Joins: inner, outer, left, right

In (My)SQL, join is a means for combining records from two tables into a single set which can be either returned as is or used in another join. In order to perform the operation a join has to define the relationship between records in either table, as well as the way it will evaluate the relationship. The relationship itself is created through a set of conditions that are part of the join and usually are put inside ON clause. The rest is determined through a join type, which can either be an inner join or an outer join.

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