18 Apr

Analyzing I/O performance

There are probably thousands of articles on the Internet about disk statistics in Linux, what various columns mean, how accurate the information is, and so on. I decided to attack the problem from a little bit more practical side. Hopefully this will be just the first of many future posts on identifying various I/O related performance problems on a MySQL server.

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06 Apr

Optimizing MySQL performance with accurate keys

MySQL performance is largely defined by keys and how efficiently queries can use them. As you scale, at certain point it isn't enough anymore to just have any indexes and still get a good performance in return. You have to really figure them out and allow your queries to do less work, as little work as possible. The approach presented in this article can sometimes help designing such good, efficient indexes. As a consultant, I have to rely on it myself from time to time, having to optimize a query that works in a database I know nothing about.

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04 Apr

How important a primary key can be for MySQL performance?

How important a primary key design can be for MySQL performance? The answer is: Extremely! If tables use InnoDB storage engine, that is.

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02 Apr

How to prevent swapping on a MySQL server?

Swapping occurs when system moves some data between memory and a special area on disk called swap space. The process is called swapping in or swapping out depending on the direction in which it happens. System swaps out when it makes a decision to free up some physical memory (RAM) and pushes data out to disk. It swaps in when an application needs to access data that was swapped out. MySQL is like any other application and any memory it holds can also be sent to disk. It may have severe negative impact on performance.

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02 Apr

Can COUNT(*) be used in MySQL on InnoDB tables?

COUNT() function returns a number of rows returned by a query. In a popular opinion COUNT(*) should not be used on InnoDB tables, but this is only half true.

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